The "Turkish Innovation Conference" hosted by the Turkish Exporters' Assembly (TIM) with the support of Ministry of Economy is hold during 28-30th November, 2013 in Istanbul Congress center with the participation of the Prime Minister Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Recydia Inc. General Manager; Mr Oguz Can has attended the Turkish Innovation Conferece which has hosted many innovation gurus from the attache of Mars One Project and nobel laureate for physics Prof. Gerardus’t Hooft; to Prof. Dr. Aydogan Ozcan who has been regarded as being among the top 10 scientists by Popular Science Magazine, due to his ‘cell phone making blood test’ project. Mr Can, having made a presentation on the second day of the organisation to which approximately 20.0000 people visited, has talked about global trends and Turkish trends, innovation oppurtunities regarding 2023 targets and Recydia as an example of waste to energy application, Turkey’s sustainable development priority and 500 billion Euro export target and the oppurtunities related to this under innovation culture, sustainability and renewable energy sunbtitles in his ‘Renewable Energy and Innovation’ titled speech.